Sassy Faves: Three Square Meals at the Magic Kingdom

I've seen this challenge some other places and thought I would adapt it for our blog. The challenge is to choose one place in the theme park for each meal of the day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For some parks, this seems an impossible task for me (looking at YOU, Disney Hollywood Studios), and for others, it's impossible to narrow down. I decided to take the tactic of choosing the three places I would recommend to a first time guest. I'm also allowing myself one back-up choice.
To summarize:
One different place each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
All in the same park
One back up choice for each meal
Based on what I would recommend to a first time guest
This week... The Magic Kingdom.
First choice: The Crystal Palace
Here's why: The Crystal Palace offers a character dining buffet experience that consistently gets good reviews. Plus, if you make your reservation early enough, you can get into the park early and snap some amazing pictures of Cinderella's Castle while on your way to breakfast, which is right off the hub.
Runner up: Be Our Guest
Here's why: Anytime you are dining inside the park for breakfast with an ADR, you can pretty much count on being able to get some nice morning "empty park" photos if your dining reservation is before the park officially opens. You can't always count on the restaurant being in a good position for you to beat crowds to good rides, assuming your breakfast ends right about at official park opening time. But this is where Be Our Guest has one major advantage: Due to its location in New Fantasyland, if you time it right, you might beat crowds to Seven Dwarves Mine Train. So there's that.
But it all does come at a price. $29 per guest, to be specific. For this price, you get one pastry tray per table, one entree, and one drink. But here's the real hack: If you have the Disney Dining Plan, it is ONE quick service credit... unquestionably one of the greatest values for a quick service credit ever heard of. We would say Be Our Guest is to dining as Coronado Springs is to resorts. Coronado Springs isn't quite sure if it's a deluxe or moderate resort. And Be Our Guest isn't quite sure if it is table service or quick service, but as long as it technically counts as quick service (albeit one where you are seated at a table and have to get an ADR), we say it's a great value.

Why did we not mention Main Street Bakery? Main Street Bakery is lovely, no doubt, and draws long lines at park opening. But especially during breakfast time, it's a glorified Starbucks. I can go to Starbucks in the real world. When in Disney, do Disney. If a pastry is what you are looking for, then instead of "glorified Starbucks", head into New Fantasyland to Gaston's Tavern and get yourself a Lefou's Brew and a Cinnamon Bun as big as your head. Will I ever stop singing the praises of Gaston's Tavern? No. No, I will not.
First choice: Tony's Town Square
Here's why: We find that at the Magic Kingdom, there is almost always a purpose to our every meal, and this holds true with Tony's Town Square. The secret is to make a late lunch reservation timed to the afternoon parade, if at all possible. Show up early for your ADR and ask for a patio seat. It's not a guarantee but it's worked for us all but one time. This is a perfect viewing spot for the parade. It's also just an all around charming little restaurant with nice, air conditioned seating or a nice shaded patio for the heat of the day.
Runner up: Casey's Corner
Here's why: Yes, this is a hot dog place, and yes, there are plenty of other popular eateries at the Magic Kingdom (Pecos Bill's is beloved, and Columbia Harbor house has lovely seating), but hear me out on why I just could not NOT recommend this place for lunch.
Exhibit A: Disney hot dogs are amazing. They are all beef, extra long franks, grilled up to order so they are juicy and hot. I know this because I used to grill them! And knowing Disney's standards, I would never be afraid of a hot dog at Walt Disney World. Add to that the lovely fixings bar at Casey's corner with the pickle relish and the sauerkraut and just everything you could possibly desire on your ballpark style frank, and you have a classic Americans love.
Exhibit B: There is just something lovely about being on Main Street USA in a baseball themed eatery, being served a classic American treat. Sometimes, right outside, you'll find the pianist is playing ragtime favorites. It's just lovely and classic and I get crazy nostalgic every time I pass by this place.

The Main Street Electrical Parade from the patio at Tony's Town Square
First choice: Liberty Tree Tavern
Here's why: Without a doubt, this is the best food in the Magic Kingdom. Imagine a Thanksgiving dinner being served up family style.... that's Liberty Tree Tavern. The dining is all indoors so you are able to get away from the heat, the servers are all dressed in colonial outfits, and it's just a fun, well themed, and tasty experience. If you have a picky eaters, definitely check the menu before you go. This is not an ala cart meal, but rather a set menu served family style.
Runner up: Jungle Skipper Canteen
Here's why: Given I can't say Be Our Guest again (dinner is a character meal with the Beast!) or Tony's again (great spot for any nighttime parade too!) I recommend Jungle Skipper. To be honest, our experience here was mixed. The food was delicious. We all enjoyed our dishes very much and the menu was both large and adventurous so it was fun for a foodie to decide what to order. And the theming is so quirky and fun. The service, however, the one time we went, was fairly slow. Which would not have been a problem if we weren't trying to make a Fastpass slot an hour after dinner started, which we though in Disney terms was more than a reasonable amount of time. And from reviews, our experience as not unusual, so if you think slower service might bother you, then give yourself time for this meal and enjoy yourself. The food is definitely good, as are the drinks.
We hope we gave you some ideas for the next time you are looking for a tasty meal at the Magic Kingdom. During the pandemic, some dining locations may be closed, including those on this list, so be aware. What do you think of our choices? Agree or disagree? Share with us in the comments or, better yet, over on our Facebook page where you can follow us and be aware of new posts. Until next time...