Check Out Our Changes!

We've updated the site again! Cosmetically, it's a small change, but in reality, it's a pretty big deal! We've added a menu bar along the top of our site.
Why is a menu bar awesome? Well, with some backend work of organizing all 172 of our articles, we were able to make navigating to what matters most to you a LOT easier. Each menu item is a main category and you can visit that entire category and see all posts in it if you like.
OR... you can hover over a category to see subcategories. Do you love the way Netflix lets you search for movies by "quirky, cringey, romance"? Well, we're not quite there yet, but we really did try to drill down our posts into some fun some categories we think our readers might enjoy.
Like I said, this took a lot of backend work of categorizing and tagging everything from the beginning of our blog, so we're pretty proud of it and we want to show off a few things you can explore.
Home will always take you to a chronological list of our blogs, so if you like to read in order, that's the place to be.
Vacation Planning is a main category of all of our planning stuff. This could be tips, how things work, news that impacts your planning, packing lists, and more. If you are new to Disney World, start with the Planning 101 subcategory. This will include all of our basic information run-downs from how tickets work, to lodging categories, to best time of year and how much time to spend in each park.
If you want to know our favorite things, check out the Can't Miss subcategory. If you are wondering "why should *I* go to Disney?", or you are trying to convince a friend to go, check out the Disney for YOU subcategory where we consider itineraries for all sorts of travelers. We also have subcategories on etiquette, avoiding crowds, and tricky situations like traveling with a big party or getting sick while on vacation.
Moving on in main categories, Disneyana is where you want to be to get a "feel" of what Walt Disney World is all about. This category is more about stories, history, and behind the scenes information about how it all works. Check out the Disney at a Distance subcategory if you want to feel virtually what a day in a specific part of the parks feels like. Behind the Scenes is all about cast members and how things at Walt Disney World work from utilidors, to solar farms. And because we've written quite frequently about the Disney College Program, it gets its own category with tips, memories, and suggestions for those interested in the College Program.
If you want to know the latest news at Walt Disney World, check out the NEWS category, where we expand on announcements that have interested us.
Want to know what the food is like? Check out our Dining category. It has two subcategories: Recommendations and Foodie Heaven. Recommendations includes our suggestions of where to dine, and reviews. Foodie Heaven is a little bit beyond recommendations. This includes deep dives into things like the cupcakes of Disney or dole whips, and also entire itineraries around enjoying the best dining.
Finally, we have a category for each of the four theme parks with suggested itineraries, dining, and information about each park.
We hope you enjoy this new way to find the information you might be seeking. Have any categories or subcategories you wish to see? Share your suggestions in the comments or over on our Facebook page where you can follow us to see when we post each week. Until next time...