Behind the Photo: Main Street USA Edition
We thought we might try something new. We enjoy photos, and we enjoy infographics, and we have all of this Disney trivia we want to share with you! All these factors have given rise to what we're calling "Behind the Photo", a series where we take a seemingly innocent photo somewhere in Walt Disney World, and tell you what your eye can't see that makes the place all the more magical!
And the best part? We'd love you to participate! Comment on our post on Facebook with a photo of your own taken somewhere at Walt Disney World and we'll select some of these to deliver some factoids.
Here is this week's "Behind the Photo":

Here's the fine print if you want to play along:
By commenting with a photo, you agree that we can use it to create a "behind the photo" graphic and post it on our website.
Not all photos lend themselves to trivia, sorry, so not all can be selected, but we'll do our very best.
Inappropriate photos will be removed. Inappropriate is at my discretion, though I think we all know what that means.
Please use photos without people as the focus. There might be people in it, I mean, it is Disney after all.... but ideally the people are not recognizable from the photo. "People" includes children. It's not that I don't find them cute. It's just that I don't want their pictures plastered all over the internet.
Only Walt Disney World photos, please!
We hope you enjoyed this week's content. If you do, come on over and follow us on our Facebook page, where you can join the conversation. Until next time...