All We Have This Week
We tried to write a real, informative, article this week. We really did. On multiple occasions.

The news this week is that DeSantis's bill to dissolve the Reedy Creek Improvement District (the governing body of Walt Disney World) passed... sort of. Rather than be dissolved, the Reedy Creek Improvement District will now simply be run by a board hand-picked by DeSantis. Because... democracy. Or whatever.
The impacts are probably not even that great, except MAYBE to tax payers, which is not confirmed yet. But the whole debacle leaves a sour taste in our mouth because it was started when Disney (reluctantly) stood up against Florida's proposed "Don't Say Gay" bill, and this action is direct retribution for that. There' s no mistaking it.
Also, we'll make it clear.... this blog doesn't make money. So, no, we won't register with Florida, and no, we won't face a fine due to that because we mention Ron DeSantis. As if that wouldn't be a restriction of free speech.
Finally, if you hate gay people so much that you would attempt to raise the taxes of two counties of your own constituents up to 20% because you are against a "woke" organization that treats LGBTQ+ people like, well, PEOPLE.... this is not the blog for you.
And if you're really confused right now, here are some sources to check out:
Every time we go to write about Universal's food versus Disney's or whether the Magic Band + is worth the extra $10 over the Magic Band (and we WILL write about those things, we promise), we feel like we are not confronting the elephant in the room in favor of making people comfortable. But free speech is still very much a thing. And we have the freedom to state our views. About anything. And if you don't like it, that's fine... but this particular blog isn't for you anymore. That's all we have right now.
If you like this, follow us on Facebook. If you don't like this, but think that people are allowed to have opinions and want to learn about Disney, follow us on Facebook. If you have a problem with that, you know where to unfollow us. We will return to your regularly scheduled programming next week. We just had to get that off our chest. Until next time...