Disney at a Distance: Frontierland

Every week during the nation's COVID-19 crisis, we are going to bring you a virtual adventure in one of the land's of Walt Disney World. This week's adventure brings us to Frontierland. Are you ready for the Wild West?
Let's enjoy some Frontierland area music as we get ready.
Optionally, to get ready you might want to:
Make a sky high batch of nachos (like those you can get at Pecos Bill's)
Or whip up a batch of giant turkey legs
Do some disinfecting with bleach
We're actually serious about the bleach. The area around Splash Mountain in particular smells quite a bit like chlorine, so bleach could evoke that scent. The other predominant scent in Frontierland seems to be the tar smell of railroad ties which is probably not something you are going for.
If you're like us, you probably will beeline to Splash Mountain. Enjoy your ride in the front row!
After exiting Splash Mountain, you might stumble upon the Shootin' Arcade. If you have Adobe Flash Player installed on your device, you can try an online shooting gallery game here.
Or you can watch someone else enjoy it in this video:
Now, are you ready for the wildest ride in the wilderness?
Whew, that was wild! Maybe you worked up an appetite and want to dive into some of those snacks you prepared.
Or perhaps you'd like to rest your feet with a showing of the Country Bear Jamboree.
And as you make your way out of Frontierland, you get caught up in one last hoedown!
We hope your visit to Frontierland was wild. We'll see you next week with yet another Disney at a Distance!