What is "The Disney Look"?
Quick quiz! The Disney Look is...
A. A book
B. A dress code
C. How the Universal people can identify a Cast Member
D. All of the above

If you guessed D. All of the above, you're correct! The "Disney Look" is a set of guidelines that defines Walt Disney World's very strict dress code. Because there are so many guidelines, Cast Members receive a book (really a booklet) that defines the Disney Look which includes anything from how long your "Disney Casual" skirt must be, to pictures of what shapes are acceptable for men's beards.
As dress codes go, Disney's is one of the most strict. It not only dictates what Cast Members must wear, but also many other facets of appearance, including:
Facial hair style and length
Acceptable make-up colors
Length of fingernails
Acceptable nail polish colors
Piercings (where and how many)
Acceptable jewelry and when it can be worn
For the most part, Disney is working to create a clean and wholesome look to their cast members, so the Disney Look forbids "cutting edge" looks in favor of sticking with a classic, professional look.
Unlike dress codes at some other places of employment, because the Disney Look also dictates hairstyle and color, length of nails and color, and piercings, making sure you meet the dress code goes beyond just the time you are at work. It's a 24/7 endeavor. When I was in the College Program, I recall that I devoted time at least once a week on my day off to trim and polish my fingernails. Sometimes, this manicured appearance, along with other Cast Member habits like the two-fingered point, would give me away as a Disney Cast Member when I least expected. The Universal folks have quite the keen eye for this!
Here are some of the more interesting rules in the "Disney Look" booklet:
Tattoos are forbidden. If you already have one, it must be covered while working
Sunglasses are discouraged. If one must wear them, a person must be able to see your eyes through them
Fingernail length is dictated. Fingernails cannot extend more than 6mm beyond the tip of the finger
Nail colors must be natural. Black, gold, neon, silver, and my favorite, teal, are not permitted
If your name tag becomes chipped or faded, you need to get a new one
Dress shoes must be solid in color and made of material that can be polished
While you can wear rings, simple earrings, and a watch, the watch band color is dictated (black, silver, gold, white, or brown), the earring color and style is dictated (and only one per ear), and the number of rings is dictated (one per hand)
Until very recently, necklaces and bracelets were strictly prohibited
Now, they are permitted as long as the pendant is less than 1 inch
All facial hair must be 1/4 inch in length or less and neatly maintained.
Very recently, a change was made to allow for stubble while someone is growing in their facial hair (before that, Cast Members had to take time off to grow a beard)
Long hair is unacceptable for any male cast member, nor is a shaved head or military style cut. There are two pages devoted to illustrations of acceptable hairstyles for men
So, now that you know the basics, let's see if you can guess which of these 5 pictures exhibit the "Disney Look" (except the name tag, of course):
Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:

Well, what did you guess?
If you guessed pictures 2 and 4 meet the Disney Look, you are correct! Here's the deal on the other ones:
1. The buzz cut might be a problem and we'd have to figure out if those one can see the person's eyes through those sunglasses.
3. She looks great, but there are a few things here that wouldn't fly for Disney. First, her hair is long enough to cover her name tag so should be tied neatly back. Second, her earrings are larger than the 1 inch allowed in the Disney Look.
5. This is one stylish man... with totally unapproved sunglasses. I also see a hint of sideburns which might be of questionable style or length.
How did you do?
4-5 right: You may be Disney material!
1-3 right: Go back to Disney University!
The goal of the Disney Look is to create a classic, timeless, and clean look and is an important part of the "show". Periodic modifications are made, like the recent change to allow for discrete necklaces and bracelets and stubble while growing a beard in, but overall, it remains quite defined.
What do you think of the Disney Look? Smart business or draconian? Common-sense or discriminatory? It's been called all of these things and more. Let us know what you think in the comments or on our Facebook page and as always, if you like us, tell a friend about us or share our page on Facebook!