White Rhinos and Disney's Animal Kingdom
Uganda, 2006: Two white rhinos are released into the Ziwi Animal Sanctuary, one of which was the first white rhino to be born at Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park. Nande, born in 1999 in the park, and Hasani, another of the park's white rhinos, were returned to Uganda, where white rhinos had been previously extinct.
White rhinos were previously poached to extinction in Uganda. White rhinos are the less temperamental of the rhino species, and as far as big game goes, not very observant of changes in their surroundings, which made them easier to approach and poach. The damage poaching was doing began to be recorded in 1956, and initially white rhinos were relocated to a national park. Unfortunately, their numbers continued to decline. By 1978, only 7 were in existence in Uganda. By 1980, none were found in aerial searches of the region.
With the release of the two white rhinos, the species was re-introduced to its native habitat. And in 2009, these white rhinos sired the first baby born in its native habitat in 25 years. To date, 10 white rhino births including 3 now born in Uganda, are the results of Disney's conservation efforts.

This is one of many stories of the conservation and re-introduction successes of Disney's Animal Kingdom. So when you go to this park, know that it is so much more than a zoo. Know that the conservation efforts of this park have not only re-introduced white rhinos to Uganda, but also bolstered the population of the Guam rail (a ground bird native to Guam). 40 of the world's 150 birds were born at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
Disney has also set up a conservation fund. You can read the feel good fact sheet here.
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