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What to Pack for a Disney Vacation

I can draw out packing for a good month or two before actually embarking on my Disney vacation. For me, the packing really heightens the excitement, having things in my luggage just so, adding that last little item that you think is going to make your vacation better.

It doesn't take this long because it has to. It takes this long because I want it to. I always start with a good list, and in today's blog, I'm going to share my list with you and highlight some of the most major things I feel are important.

The Basics

If you've traveled anywhere before, then you already know the basics, but let's go through them quickly as a refresher.

1) Clothing - The kinds of clothes you pack will depend on the time of year you are traveling. If it's summer, stick with shorts or capris, light blouses, t-shirts, and camisoles or tank tops. If you think you'll spend a lot of time in the pool, you might be happier bringing two swimsuits rather than one so one can dry while you use the other.

If it's winter, then weather can be warm during the day and cool at night. Add a few cardigans, a light jacket, and a couple pairs of pants. I prefer yoga pants for comfort.

If you are dining at Victoria and Albert's or somewhere special, bring a nice outfit. Victoria and Albert's requires jacket and tie for men.

Other than special dining occasions, don't plan on a lot of fancy clothes. Most things at Walt Disney World are casual dress. Ladies, you won't want to be wearing a skirt or dress in the parks if you want to ride any rides.

2) Footwear - Cotton socks, twice as many as you think you need, can be useful because you'll be doing a lot of walking. Sandals or water shoes are OK for around the pool, but what you really need for most occasions is your most comfortable athletic shoes and two pairs, ideally.

3) Toiletries - the stuff you need to get ready in the morning and at night. Disney resorts supply shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toilet paper, towels, and soap. You need to bring anything else you need.

4) Medication - Bring enough of any medication you take to last you the length of your vacation and a few extra days (in case of flight cancellations). Also, bring the prescription for any prescription medications, and keep your medication in your carry on.

5) Driver's license or passport- Check the TSA website to see if your state's driver's license is considered acceptable identification. If you are traveling from another country, you will need at least your passport anyway. I prefer a passport as a form of identification.

The Disney Necessities

1) A foot care kit consisting of athletic tape, blister bandaids, cooling foot spray, tiger balm or peppermint oil, and Aleve or other pain medicine. See this post about the importance of a foot care kit at Disney and how to pack one that doesn't take too much room.

2) Your Magic Bands! Pack this in your carry on and do not lose track.

3) Your spending cash and cards. Disney is mostly card now and the only time you may run into the need to have cash on hand is tipping. This is why I like to have small bills. Be sure to tell your bank your travel plans.

4) Visor, hat, or sunglasses. Keep the sun out of your eyes in sunny Florida. In the summer, I would go with sunglasses AND a visor or hat to prevent your nose and forehead from getting sunburn. Which leads us to...

5) Sunscreen. Look for one that is a Sport sunscreen, preferably water proof too. I like the little individual banana boat packets of SPF 45, but you do you. Just keep in mind it needs to be in your checked bag or under 3 oz. 3 oz of sunscreen will not get you far in Florida. You cannot bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane.

Also, don't forget lip balm with SPF.

6) Reusable water bottles. Opt for water bottles that seal tightly and can easily be carried around. Hydration is so important on hot days. Every family member should have a water bottle.

7) A park bag. This is your day bag for taking with you what you need for the parks, such as the sunscreen and water bottles. I like a cross body bag because it puts less strain on the back. I also like something water resistant so a little bit of rain or a wet ride won't kill my phone.

8) Travel umbrella or ponchos, or both. Each has pros and cons, but you need something to keep you dry in the rain and on wet rides if you don't like getting wet. An umbrella will not work for rides and will take up one of your hands when touring, but it is comfortable. A poncho can get sticky and hot, but doesn't take up any hands and will keep you crazy dry when everyone else is wet. Do not buy a poncho at Disney as they are overpriced there. Order ponchos ahead of time online and bring them.

9) Ziploc bags. These come in handy for a lot of reasons. I like to choose gallon and quart size bags. Gallon bags are great for organizing things in my park bag for security. Quart bags are nice for pamphlets, park maps, and Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom cards you pick up and want to keep nice for your travels. They also help keep my phone dry on wet rides.

10) Quarters and detergent pods for laundry, if you plan on doing laundry. If traveling in the Summer, do not underestimate the ability of walking 10 miles a day in the Florida heat to make your clothes stink.

11) Hand sanitizer. Bring a small travel sanitizer for each party member. This will keep you relatively germ free in the parks. If you want to go a step further, bring sanitizing wipes as well, which are especially useful on the plane. See this post about avoiding getting sick at Disney for why.

12) Your signature scent in all the forms you would like. We use the power of aromas to help us remember our Disney vacation. Choose a scent and wear it during your trip to help your brain make a connection that will let you remember your vacation any time you want in the future. See this post for more details. This is an item that, if I forgot it, I feel like I ruined my trip.

13) Cute little pre-printed envelopes to put your Mousekeeping tips in. Disney calls resort housekeeping service "Mousekeeping". It is traditional to tip housekeeping in the United States. Because you might have a different Mousekeeper each day, I like to do this daily by leaving a couple dollars in an obvious envelope for them to take. If you just leave the money out, they won't assume it's for them, so the envelopes help, and they also help spread the joy. You can find templates all over the internet.

14) Electronics and chargers for your electronics. If you have a cell phone, you will want your charger for that. I like to bring my e-reader for the plane and need a charger for that, and I like to wear my Fitbit, and need a charger for that.

15) Phone or camera and extra phone or camera battery. My phone is my primary camera so I like to have another power bank for when it runs through its battery.

16) If bringing children, activities for the flight. An iPad, portable DVD player, or coloring book and colors will usually do the job.

17) Autograph book and LARGE pen. If you want character autographs, you need something for them to sign and also a larger (think Sharpie size) pen because furry characters have large hands and have trouble with the small pens. I recommend getting these outside of Disney because once in the Disney parks, these supplies are more expensive.

18) Activities for the line. Bring a little something to keep everyone happy while in line. For my family, this is trivia cards, brain teasers, or conversation packs. I've also seen families bring bubbles.

19) Gum. You will not be able to purchase gum anywhere on Disney property. It's one of the amazing quirks of Disney that keeps the parks clean. But you may want gum for the flight to help equalize ear pressure, or you might be addicted to chewing gum like I am. So make sure you bring your own and dispose of it properly in a trash receptacle when finished!

20) Crystal Lite or other drink packets. If you fill your water bottles every day but think you might get bored of plain water, bring some drink packets to liven things up a bit.

21) A trip diary. I like to keep a diary of my travels anytime I travel.

22) Snacks. Snacks are not typically a necessity as there are plenty of snack opportunities at Disney at a price, and there are grocery delivery services as well. But I like to have snacks available for the plane and if you have favorites, and you have room in your luggage, go ahead and bring them. Pepperidge Farm Chessmen and Malibu Rum always seem to make it into our checked bags. If your kids like something in particular, it might be a good idea to bring it. Breakfast food can be especially smart to bring as you will save money by eating breakfast in your room. Just avoid flying with produce or anything perishable.

23) Printed confirmations of flight, resort, ADRs, fastpasses, etc. Once at Disney, the MyDisneyExperience app should take care of all of this no problem, but I like to have a backup system just in case.

24) AAA or Tables in Wonderland cards. AAA may entitle you to discounts at some restaurants and resorts and Tables in Wonderland is a dining discount card for Disney restaurants available to Annual Passholders. If you have either of these, don't leave your card at home.

25) Any comfort items your children need, like nightlights, stuffed animals, or blankies that they can't live without.

26) Disney trading pins and pin lanyard or whatever you store them on. Pin trading at Walt Disney World is a fun way you can collect souvenirs and interact with Cast Members. If you participate in pin trading already, bring your pins along! If you are just starting, consider investing in a simple lanyard at home and bringing it to clip pins onto that you purchase so you can display them.

If you'd like the condensed printable version of this list as a start for your own packing list, check out this document.


Wow, that's a lot of stuff! For us, this usually amounts to one carry on and one checked bag for each of us. A lot of this is not things you can't live without, but they do make our vacation nicer and save us some money. If I had to, I would ditch a lot of the items in the second list (but not the sunscreen!).

If you forgot something, Disney will likely have it with the exception of the forbidden gum. But it will be at a price. The first thing you should do is check with your hotel's reception desk. They might have toothbrushes or whatnot in emergencies, not no guarantee. At the very least, they can direct you to where to purchase it.

Also, Disney resorts typically have a convenience store with pantry items, common over the counter medications, first aid supplies, and magazines. Your favorite brand might not be there, but these supplies will do in a pinch (at a cost).


What do you pack for your Disney vacation? Comment below. Also, please check us out on Facebook and if you like this blog, like our page and share this post with friends. Thanks, and we'll see you next week!

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