November 2023 Trip Report - Travel and Hollywood Studios
We had a very early flight on Sunday, leaving the airport at 6:00 AM which meant waking at about 3:45 AM to get to our small airport. ...

November 2023 Trip Report - Introduction and Lessons Learned
We just returned from another trip to Walt Disney World and are excited to share the details with you. During this trip, there were a...

The Incredible Story of Binny: Walt Disney World's Most Famous Trash Can
One thing we love about Walt Disney World is the level of detail and theming the Imagineers put into even the tiniest and most mundane...

Scooters at Disney - Scourge or Necessity?
You may have noticed we took the week off last week. Something happened in a Disney forum we follow that just got under our skin, and we...

Infographic: Will This Ride Make Me Sick?
As a follow up to our post last week about whether rides might make you motion sick at Disney, we've created this infographic. We hope...

Orlando Riviera Extravaganza - Nov 2022 - Nicole, Vista Cay, and Universal
For the rest of this trip report, I'm going to condense the remaining 5 days into this last post, which is no small feat, so forgive me...

Has Disney Lost its Magic?
Spoiler alert: The answer is "no", despite what critics say. This is our experience with the much maligned changes to Disney Theme Parks...

Orlando Riviera Extravaganza - Nov 2022 - Day 7
AKA: The one with the impending storm Weather started out beautiful but it began to rain on and off by late morning. It was our last day...

Orlando Riviera Extravaganza - Nov 2022 - Day 6
It was a Monday, and our last FULL day in the parks. It was also our last day, for a while, of decent weather as we learned over the...

Orlando Riviera Extravaganza - Nov 2022 - Day 5
It was the Sunday after daylight savings time, so while DAK early entry was the earliest so far, it felt rather reasonable. Early entry...